Administrative Body

Sheikh Hasina Medical College is a Government Medical College which affiliated with the University of Dhaka administered by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Principal is the Executive head of the college. He communicated and implemented all the regulations of the administrative authorities.

This college is directly governed by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council BMDC - an affiliation of Ministry of Health.

The professional examinations are held under the university and results are given thereby. Internal Examinations are also taken on regular interval namely Card completions, Terms end and regular assessments.

Academic Council

Academic Council is the highest body of the college. Principal, Sheikh Hasina Medical College is the Chairman and Director, Sheikh Hasina Medical College Hospital is Ex-Officio-Member of the Academic Council. The Head of Departments of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics and all other full Professors, two senior-most Associate Professors, two senior-most Assistant Professors and two nominated representatives of students union are the members of the Council.

This body monitors and maintains control of the campus in order to ensure a smooth progress of the academic activities. It also refers the disciplinary matters to the Disciplinary Committee to take actions against those who violate any rule or regulation of the college.

Disciplinary Committee

Chaired by the Principal the committee consists of the Director of Sheikh Hasina Medical College Hospital and all full Professors of the college to deal with all Disciplinary matters referred by the Academic Council.

College Council

All teachers are the members of College Council. This Council discusses the matters of bigger interest and can refer any matter to the academic Council for consideration.

Quality Assurance Body (QAB)

A local Quality Assurance Body (QAB) is working to achieve the following objectives:

  • Preparation & implementation of academic calendar
  • Monitoring of teaching activities
  • Critical review
  • Staff development
  • External Assessors
  • Quality audit
  • Preparation of Annual Report

This is one of the active bodies aimed at controlling the quality of teaching to produce quality doctors of the community. It tries to ensure a coordinated effort between the teachers and the students of the college. Regular seminars and workshop are arranged to promote its activities. There is one subject coordinator in each subject who prepares the study program in respective subject.

There are four phase co-coordinators who co-ordinates the programs of different departments of the same phase. As a result of these activities, the academic calendar runs smoothly. An Academic coordinator organizes and co-ordinates all the activities of the whole body. Principal of the College is the Chairman of QAB.

Medical Education Unit (MEU)

The teachers of the college can enjoy the facilities of the Medical Education Unit. Seminars and work are arranged regularly which enable them to exchange views with the colleagues of other disciplines. They can also use the media production facility equipped with computers, slide maker etc. The internet access facilities are also available to an intending browser. The teachers are much benefited from the activities of the unit by learning new teaching and assessment methods. It is run by a Committee.

The seminar hall and the medical skill room situated also in the college building to aid in teaching in a more effective way.

Students' Union

The Sheikh Hasina Medical College Students’ Union is an elected body of the students of the college. All the students elect the member representative bodies by voting. Medical College Students’ Union deals with the matters related to welfare of the students in both their academic progress as well as their life in the campus. They organize co-curricular and extra-curricular programs throughout the year. Literary, cultural, games and sports competition arranged by them bring welcome relief to the otherwise strenuous study schedules.

Hostel Committee

One Super, Two Assistant Super, Two Office Assistant used to supervise smooth functioning of the hostel.

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